Tuesday, September 30, 2014


This week we are learning all about leaves, the letter B, and the number 2. 

In the 3 year old preschool class we had so much fun counting, matching, and recognizing letters using leaves! We also painted leaves using pine cones. The children loved shaking the bucket to make the pine cone roll around and color their leaf. During circle time we learned about the letter B and the sound it makes! Be sure to point out things at home, outside, or wherever you are that start with letter B! 
We also had show and tell today! Sorry about the confusion in letter of the week. This week is letter B and next week will be letter C ( we will continue to follow the alphabet the rest of the year). 

The 4 year old class had fun on Monday doing leaf sorting activities, learning patters, and playing soccer during outside time! 

Our daycare children absolutely LOVE playing dress ups right now. They have so much fun pretending to go to balls and  rescue each other from danger. 


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